Taplast S.p.a. - Dueville

Taplast S.p.a.

Tappi e Chiusure in Plastica
Viale della Repubblica 1
0444 360355
0444 360440
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Descrizione attività:
Taplast, specialised in dispensing systems, is a partner and supplier to multinationals specialising in consumer goods in the household and personal care sector . A family company founded in 1973 and today managed by the second generation, Taplast innovates by bringing together design, ergonomics, precision and attention to the environment. Innovation coherent with the product’s identity have allowed Taplast, from 1995 to today, to win more than 12 awards
for best product in international packaging and design competitions where it has found itself up against some of the most important companies in the sector.
Sustainable development in the design phase (the reduction of materials, components developed for re-use and recycling is the company’s mission: compared to similar products from its competitors, Taplast’s products contribute to reducing the quantity of CO2 discharged into the environment throughout their lifecycle from production to disposal: this is Taplasts contribution to a sustainable future. To accelerate its technical and commercial development in its internationalisation, Taplast has recently welcomed a participation in its capital by NEM Imprese, a fund of private equity belonging to the Banca Popolare Vicenza group and 21 Investimenti, for an ambitious development project involving operations in the USA, Mexico, Poland and India).

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Dove si trova Taplast S.p.a.?

Taplast S.p.a. si trova in Viale della Repubblica 1 - 36031 Dueville (VI).
Vedi tutte le informazioni su MisterImprese.it

Come posso contattare al telefono Taplast S.p.a.?

Puoi contattare Taplast S.p.a. al numero di telefono 0444 360355.
Per tutti gli altri contatti visita Taplast S.p.a. su Misterimprese.