Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi - Bologna

Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi

Via Abruzzo, 14/H
051 546398
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1 recensione su Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi

I was a tourist in Bologna and on my first day of arrival I broke my denture and I was disappointed and desperate to find a place to fix it or help me with an advice to find a quick solution and I found this place online where they mention being able to fix dentures with no appointment. When I went there I was received by a horrible person at the reception who didn’t show any kind of empathy or help at all, I was treated like someone who’s asking for charity while I was in such a desperation to pay the high price for it to be glued. One girl who could speak a bit of English answered me but she was just trying to get rid of me as she was shouted by that unfriendly person at the reception to not talk to me. I was sent to an office around the corner who was supposed to give an address of another place where I could go but then again when I rang the doorbell another horrible person didn’t want to help when she heard that I was a foreigner and hang out in my face. Overall this incident unfortunately made me think negatively of people of Bologna as it wasn’t a nice welcome at all…I'm still horrified from that behavior and wish that these people will be put in such a situation one day in a foreign country and where nobody will help them.... Leggi di più

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Dove si trova Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi?

Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi si trova in Via Abruzzo, 14/H - 40139 Bologna (BO).
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Come posso contattare al telefono Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi?

Puoi contattare Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi al numero di telefono 051 546398.

Quali sono le recensioni per Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi?

Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi ha una valutazione di 1 / 5 su Misterimprese. Lascia qui una recensione per Farneti Dott. Mauro Centro Odontoiatrico Multidisciplinare Di Mauro Farneti Ed Elena Bondi