Friend of the Earth - Milano

Friend of the Earth

Sustainable Certified Products
Corso Buenos Aires, 45
Friend of the Earth
Milano (MI)
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Descrizione attività:
Friend of the Earth support sustainable agriculture model through their certification and consumer awareness. Our Sustainable agriculture products are specially produced with Protection and conservation of ecosystems and with less use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers to ensure safer products and to support biological control. visit us today and help the environment too by choosing sustainable Friend of the Earth certified products, or find out how to certify your company.

Prodotti e servizi:
Sustainable Agriculture Certification
Sustainable Certified Products
Sustainable Breeding
Sustainable Agriculture Products

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Ti potrebbero interessare

Via Alessandro Tadino, 41
20124 Milano
Corso Buenos Aires, 45
20124 Milano
Via Morgagni Giovanni Battista, 28
20129 Milano
Via Macchi Mauro, 28
20124 Milano
Via Macchi, 8
20124 Milano

Domande Frequenti

Dove si trova Friend of the Earth?

Friend of the Earth si trova in Corso Buenos Aires, 45 - 20124 Friend of the Earth, Milano (MI).
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Come posso contattare al telefono Friend of the Earth?

Puoi contattare Friend of the Earth al numero di telefono +39 02 87075166.
Per tutti gli altri contatti visita Friend of the Earth su Misterimprese.

Quali sono i prodotti e servizi che offre Friend of the Earth?

  • Sustainable Agriculture Certification
  • Sustainable Certified Products
  • Sustainable Breeding
  • Sustainable Agriculture Products
Puoi trovare tutti i prodotti e/o servizi di Friend of the Earth su Misterimprese.