Hilton Garden Inn Bari - Bari

Hilton Garden Inn Bari

Via Don Luigi Guanella, 15
Bari (BA)
080 502 6815
080 502 0986
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Descrizione attività:
All you need for an enjoyable stay in Bari!

Relax and unwind while we ensure your stay is a success with a variety of convenient services to enhance your vacation.
Heat up treats from the 24-hour Pavilion Pantry® convenience store in the microware and discover a choice of comforting conveniences designed to make you feel closer to home at at the Hilton Garden Inn Bari hotel.

Set in Bari’s financial district, the Hilton Garden Inn hotel in Bari offers four versatile meeting rooms. Host an event or meeting for up to 120 guests and relax while expert catering and events staff take care of the details.

Keep in touch with complimentary WiFi throughout the hotel and stay productive in the 24-hour business center. Savor fine wine and traditional Italian specialties, prepared with fresh, regional ingredients at Apulia Restaurant. Energize with a workout in the complimentary 24-hour fitness center, enjoy a dip in the outdoor pool, or explore this Bari hotel's beautiful gardens, offering a secluded leisure area with corner whirlpool.

Prodotti e servizi:
Fitness centre, Pool
Business center

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Dove si trova Hilton Garden Inn Bari?

Hilton Garden Inn Bari si trova in Via Don Luigi Guanella, 15 - 70124 Bari (BA).
Vedi tutte le informazioni su MisterImprese.it

Come posso contattare al telefono Hilton Garden Inn Bari?

Puoi contattare Hilton Garden Inn Bari al numero di telefono 080 502 6815.
Per tutti gli altri contatti visita Hilton Garden Inn Bari su Misterimprese.

Quali sono i prodotti e servizi che offre Hilton Garden Inn Bari?

  • Fitness centre, Pool
  • Business center
  • Restaurant
  • Accommodation
Puoi trovare tutti i prodotti e/o servizi di Hilton Garden Inn Bari su Misterimprese.