Zoe Pentecostal Mission - Parma

Zoe Pentecostal Mission

Via G. Scirea, 8
Parma (PR)
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Descrizione attività:
Zoe Pentecostal Mission is an English speaking multi-cultural Pentecostal church with headquarters in Italy. Founded by Dr Michael Tayo Adenitire in April 1991 with 14 branches across Italy and West Africa.
Our mission is to preach the Word of God to all. To lead sinners to the definite experience of Salvation and help in establishing a solid relationship with God.
We believe in the verbal and complete “inspiration of the holy scriptures” of the Old and New Testaments.
We believe there is “one living and true God” everlasting of infinite power, wisdom and goodness.
We believe in the unity of the God-Head, there are three persons of one substance, of eternal being, equal in holiness, justice, wisdom, power and dignity.

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Domande Frequenti

Dove si trova Zoe Pentecostal Mission?

Zoe Pentecostal Mission si trova in Via G. Scirea, 8 - 43100 Parma, Parma (PR).
Vedi tutte le informazioni su MisterImprese.it

Quali sono gli Orari di Apertura per Zoe Pentecostal Mission?

  • Lunedì Chiuso
  • Martedì 07:00 - 21:00
  • Mercoledì Chiuso
  • Giovedì Chiuso
  • Venerdì 07:00 - 21:00
  • Sabato Chiuso
  • Domenica 10:00 - 13:30
Scopri l’indirizzo e tutte le altre informazioni utili su Misterimprese.it

Come posso contattare al telefono Zoe Pentecostal Mission?

Puoi contattare Zoe Pentecostal Mission al numero di telefono 328 8440213.
Per tutti gli altri contatti visita Zoe Pentecostal Mission su Misterimprese.