Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner - Ravello

Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner

Via Roma, 295
+39 345 9105041
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Descrizione attività:
Luigi Barbato, is a wedding planner Florist, wedding planner in love with the Amalfi Coast, from Ravello to Positano and Amalfi. I am a Wedding Planner from Campania, I have been doing this job for over 15 years. My first wedding as a wedding planner was on the coast, exactly in Ravello, one of my favorite places, where I gladly come back even in winter. My job, which consists in organizing weddings and following and advising married couples in their choices, has brought me everywhere from Campania, the splendid Amalfi coast, to Dubai and Brazil; but, my favorite place for weddings remains Ravello and Amalfi. The Moorish architecture, the many stylish furnishing details and the breathtaking view made me fall in love with this paradise on earth even more. I learned to know the coast in all its smallest coves and beaches, in the alleys of its suggestive villages, and its beautiful churches. My weddings took place in Santa Trofimena in Minori, in San Pancrazio in Conca dei Marini, and in the Cathedral of Amalfi. The Cathedral of Sant’Andrea remains the top in the imagination of brides, with its staircase and its mullioned and triple mullioned windows so recognizable. I became passionate about the area and over time I have rooted in me, in addition to the love for the places and the knowledge of the locations for events, the conviction of having to devote myself mainly to weddings on the Amalfi coast. My work experiences have also brought me to Ravello, Maiori, Amalfi, Erchie and Positano and everywhere I tried to tell, in the wedding that was going to be celebrated and celebrated, the story of both the spouses and the territory that hosted us, using the Typical colors and scents of the enchanting Amalfi coast. Most of my young and old couples, both from Campania and above all foreigners, Arabs and English in the first place. All these young people, when they decided to get married, thought of making their wedding day on the coast, to let the friends they brought with them know our most suggestive and unique beauties. In the arrangements of my weddings, lemons, the colors of the coast, are almost always present. Typical products, local wines and a cuisine that enhances their qualities and their uniqueness. Many photos of my site are set in Positano and along the coast. In this period of inactivity, which was not such because working online took me so long, I was able to publish many posts related to the coast on my Facebook pages and Instagram profiles. Follow me on my social networks and, I'm sure, you will like it, because my work.

Prodotti e servizi:
Fiorista. Wedding planner.

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Dove si trova Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner?

Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner si trova in Via Roma, 295 - 84010 Ravello (SA).
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Come posso contattare al telefono Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner?

Puoi contattare Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner al numero di telefono +39 345 9105041.
Per tutti gli altri contatti visita Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner su Misterimprese.

Quali sono i prodotti e servizi che offre Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner?

  • Fiorista. Wedding planner.
Puoi trovare tutti i prodotti e/o servizi di Luigi Barbato Fiorista e Wedding Planner su Misterimprese.