Abruzzo Villas - Pescara

Abruzzo Villas

Contrada Collevento, 66
Montesilvano Colle
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Descrizione attività:
Abruzzo Villas manages Villa Adriatica, one of the most beautiful vacation rental villas in Abruzzo that can be booked online through Abruzzo Villas. The cool breeze from the breathtaking nearby Adriatic Coast of Abruzzo provides guests a refreshing and relaxing stay. This accommodation in Pescara Italy is located in Abruzzo Italy and amongst all rentals in Abruzzo and of course villas in Pescara, this exclusive Abruzzo accommodation offers an excellent location for travelers wishing to explore all the main interest points of the Abruzzo region. This Abruzzo self-catering accommodation also offers all the modern facilities to include a fully equipped modern kitchen, Wi-Fi, comfortable rooms with en-suite bathrooms and spectacular panoramic views of the Adriatic Coast, the Abruzzo mountain range and medieval towns. The outside terrace offers a large space to enjoy meals “al-fresco” while admiring beautiful views and sunsets. With all the vacation rentals in Abruzzo, this exclusive Villa is where to stay in Abruzzo as it places guests in a peaceful and private setting, all with close proximity to those wishing to visit the Apennines Mountains, beaches of blue Adriatic Sea and explore Italy’s most beautiful medieval villages, all thanks to the first-class arrangement and the caring staff.

Prodotti e servizi:
Self Catering Accommodation
Vacation Rentals
Holiday Rentals
Villas In Abruzzo For Rent

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Domande Frequenti

Dove si trova Abruzzo Villas?

Abruzzo Villas si trova in Contrada Collevento, 66 - 65015 Montesilvano Colle, Pescara (PE).
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Quali sono gli Orari di Apertura per Abruzzo Villas?

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Quali sono i prodotti e servizi che offre Abruzzo Villas?

  • Self Catering Accommodation
  • Vacation Rentals
  • Holiday Rentals
  • Villas In Abruzzo For Rent
Puoi trovare tutti i prodotti e/o servizi di Abruzzo Villas su Misterimprese.